The Shire Land Rover Club Constitution – including proposed changes to be agreed at the 2024 AGM.

Proposed changes are highlighted.

You can let us know what you think about these proposed changes by contacting us in advance of the 2024 AGM.

Version March 2024

  1. NAME
    The name of the Club shall be ‘The Shire Land Rover Club’ (the Club).
    The aims of the Club are:
    1. To provide its members with off-road and 4×4 related events and information
    2. To promote the safe and considerate use of the vehicles in the countryside and at private venues
    3. To co-operate with other organisations and bodies having similar aims
    4. To obtain, collect, receive and administer money and funds for these purposes on a not-for-profit basis
    The Officers and Committee of the Club shall be:
    1. Chair – responsible for overseeing the running of the Club through the Committee
    2. Vice-Chair – assists the Chair and other Committee members as necessary
    3. Treasurer – responsible for the Club’s financial affairs and keeping proper accounts
    4. Secretary – responsible for the general administration of the Club, including the keeping and distribution of the minutes of Committee meetings
    5. Events Officer – responsible for booking and arranging Club events, as well as Club attendance at shows and other events
    6. Membership Secretary – responsible for administration of the membership database, collecting membership fees and issuing of membership cards
    7. Chief Marshal – responsible for safe marshalling of events organised by the Club, maintaining a group of competent marshals, coaching and supporting new marshals
    8. Safety Officer – responsible for all health and safety, risk assesment, appropriate equipment and training relating to events organised by the Club and where the Club is in attendance as guests of a third party’s event
    9. Green Lanes Officer – responsible for organising green lane events, identifying and assessing suitable routes
    10. Social Events Officer – responsible for organising social and non-driving events for members and their families
    11. Webmaster – responsible for administering and supporting the Club’s online presence including club website, email, and other accounts and services.
    12. Social Media Officer – responsible for co-ordinating and curating the Club’s online presence and social media content
    13. Merchandising Officer – responsible for sourcing Club merchandise of a suitable quality, managing stock levels and co-ordinating sales
    14. Working Committee – co-opted by the Officers to perform various tasks to assist in the general running of the Club or events as necessary
    15. The Officers and co-opted committee of the Club shall retire and be eligible for re-election and co-opting at the Annual General Meeting.
    16. The Officers and co-opted committee have the power to create new positions and co-opt members as necessary throughout the year or to fill vacant positions without the need for a General Meeting, however these actions must be ratified by a vote at the next AGM or EGM.
    17. Two people from the same household may only hold Committee positions with the unanimous approval of all Committee members.
    18. Individuals may hold more than one position on the Committee with the unanimous approval of all Committee members.
    19. Individuals holding multiple posts may only cast a single vote (all votes are one vote per individual regardless of positions held)
    1. The Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Club shall be held during May each year
    2. An Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) of the Club shall be called by the Secretary on receipt of a request from any 25 members of the Club
    3. A quorum for a General Meeting of the Club shall be 25 members
    4. Members of the Club shall be entitled to vote in person, by an approved method of communication, or by proxy authorised in writing, at a General Meeting of the Club if they are unable to attend in person.
    5. Elections shall be made and motions passed by means of a simple majority vote.
    6. Nominations for Committee positions must be received and seconded 14 days before a General Meeting. In the event of more than one nomination for a Committee position, an election will be held at the AGM. Candidate details will be shared with members in advance to give them an opportunity to vote electronically (or nominate a proxy) if they are unable to attend and vote in person.
    7. Only an existing Committee member can fill the Chair and Vice Chair position if either becomes vacant. All other Committee positions are available to paid-up members.
    8. New and existing positions on the Committee can only be filled by fully paid-up members.
    1. 5.1 Members of the Club shall receive at least 30 days notice of the date of the Annual General Meeting.
    2. Proposed alterations to the Constitution and formal resolutions shall be submitted to the Secretary no later than 14 days before the Annual General Meeting.
    3. In the case of an Extraordinary General Meeting, other than the Annual General Meeting, the Secretary shall give at least 14 days notice to every member.
    For all formal communications, notices, nominations, votes and other official business, the following shall apply:
    1. The Club shall communicate all such notices to its members through the usual and preferred methods – E.G. notice on Club website, e-mail to all members, social media channels – as far as is practical.
    2. Members making formal communications (such as committee nominations, submitting votes, complaints or appeals) may do so in writing or by electronic communication to the club secretary by any means officially made available to members by the Club.
    3. Proof of sending is not proof of receipt. Where this is required it should be requested.
    4. The club may employ electronic (online) voting systems
    5. The club may employ live telecommunications such as videoconferencing to conduct meetings and votes
    6. Members unable to attend an AGM or EGM may employ live telecommunications such as videoconferencing to participate in meetings and votes
    1. Full membership of the Club shall be open to anyone who subscribes to the objectives above and abides by this Constitution.
    2. Ownership of a Land Rover is not essential to be a member.
    3. Members shall pay an annual subscription and have full voting rights at a General Meeting of the Club.
    4. Discretionary Life Membership may be awarded to a person nominated by the Committee of the Club and conferred by a General Meeting of the Club. A life member shall not pay a subscription but will have full voting rights at a General Meeting.
    5. All members must adhere to the rules and regulations of the Club. The Committee reserves the right to revoke the membership of any member not adhering to the rules or who is otherwise deemed to be unsuitable.
    6. Membership can be revoked by any three voting members of the Committee, with no subscription refunds.
    1. A subscription to the Club shall be payable on an annual basis, the amount to be decided at the Annual General Meeting.
    1. Alterations to the Constitution shall only be made at an Annual General Meeting and shall require (a majority vote from 25 members, or no less than two-thirds of the votes cast) in order to be effective.
    1. The Club shall be an equal opportunities organisation.
    Motor events can be dangerous. While the Club will take all reasonable precautions to prevent incidents, neither the Club nor the Committee will be held responsible for loss, damage or injury at any events, however they may be caused.