We are always looking for new sites for off-road play days and other events, if you have a site you think may be suitable, or you know of one, please contact us.

What we’re looking for

Ideally we are looking for sites that meet the following criteria:

  • Approx. 20 Acres or larger
  • Challenging terrain (slopes, holes, mud, water, etc.)
  • Reasonable access from a road with at least some flat / firm area for parking
  • Not subject to environmental restrictions (EG protected waterways, nesting birds, nature reserves, etc.) or close to sites that have restrictions in place – we always strive to be responsible but there is obviously a degree of noise & disturbance that goes with an off-road event and it’s better all round if that’s not done next door to a SSSI.
  • Not close to residential properties (again, due to noise and potential arrival of groups of vehicles).

We always try to run events responsibly, as such we have full public liability insurance, conduct risk & impact assessments of any site we use, and are happy to accommodate any restrictions that may be necessary (EG limiting numbers, marking certain areas out of bounds, etc.)

Although we primarily look for sites within about an hour’s drive from Southampton we welcome anything further afield – if it’s a good site we can always persuade our members to travel!

Below are a few pictures of the sort of things we look for in a great site:

Hills & holes
Mud & water
Lumps & Bumps