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Book now for Dunsfold

You may not be aware but Dunsfold Collection is home to the largest Land Rover collection in the world – with a huge variety of rare Land Rovers including all manner of prototypes and specialist one-offs.

We have arranged a private club visit this Sunday (21st July) – if you’re quick you can still get a ticket to come along and get an exclusive tour of some of the rarest Land Rovers around.

June News

Thanks to all who attended the May AGM and got involved – the short version is the club is still going strong and we have welcomed some new faces onto the commitee.

We have a new Chief Marshal – Damion Angell has stepped up after our previous Chief Marshal Arran had to step down due to other commitments. You can’t miss Damion at an event, or his monster 130 – as always, you can ask any of the marshals or committee anything. We’d far rather you ask than keep quiet and end up stuck somewhere!

We also welcomed Steph Davey who has stepped up to run the club’s long-dormant Instagram account and maybe even do some of what our Chief Marshal calls “the ticky tocks“… we are also trying to revive the club’s YouTube account.

So – if you have any photos or video from any club events please share it with us on Instagram (@shirelandroverclub), our Facebook group, or on our Whatsapp group chat – you can also get larger files to us by other methods, please contact us if you have a link to a cloud drive or just want to hand us a USB stick at the next club social!

Another new name who stepped up at the AGM is David LeSaux who has offered to help us out with club merchandise – we actually have some great stuff but too often it’s stuck in the club trailer during the chaos of getting everyone signed in at an event. Hopefully David can help us get more out there and into the hands of club members – please do ask if you are after some club merchandise or have any ideas for things we should consider selling.

In other news we have had confirmation of another event at the excellent Broxhead site near Bordon – a military site we hadn’t been to for a long time and that caught quite a lot of us out on our first time back earlier in the year! Louis has just about dried his Discovery out now…

As the sun is shining a bit more we are also running social gatherings on Portsdown Hill at the scenic parking area and home of Mick’s Monster Burger, please check the calendar or any of our social media for updates.

Social, AGM and a free drink!

Yes this Thursday 2nd May is the club AGM as well as being the usual social – and by way of thanks for members who turn out & join in the voting we are giving a FREE drink to each member attending – so make sure you’re paid up and ideally bring your membership card with you!

We are always looking for volunteers to help with the running of the club, the more helpers we have the better the club runs and the more stuff we can run for everyone. You don’t need special knowledge or a tricked up vehicle, just being able to help out for a couple of hours a month could really help so please do shout if you’d like to be more involved in club activities.

The social is in the usual location – the King Rufus at Chandlers Ford, we will be in the function room from about 7.30pm onwards, arrive any time.

Free drinks are by tokens handed out on the night, one token per current paid-up member, and redeemable at the bar for a regular drink (for example a pint of beer or a coke). It’s first-come-first-served, when we run out of tokens that’s it. You can’t use your token to buy the most expensive whisky in the place, sorry. Tokens have no cash value. Tokens are not edible.

Anyone for Overlord?

The Overlord Show is in Denmead, Portsmouth 25-27 May.  We have the opportunity to get a club stand at this show – if you’ve got a military vehicle and want to be part of our stand please let us know soon so we can request an appropriate sized pitch.

We know quite a few club members do have ex-military vehicles, being a military show your vehicle does have to be either ex-military or at least a passable replica of something military.

With hundreds of military vehicles and reenactors from the Great War all the way through to modern day, accompanied by militaria traders from all over the country, it is a great day out for vehicle enthusiasts and history buffs alike.

Seven Sisters Closed

Not the news we were hoping for in the new year but we have had official word from the site owners that due to damage to the site they have taken the decision to stop holding 4×4 play days for the forseeable future.

We’d like to thank Walters for letting us hold all the events over the last 18 years, as well as everyone who’s come along to join in the fun and of course all the Shire marshals and committee who worked so hard to make it happen.

We will of course keep in touch with the site should they decide to re-open at any point, and in the meantime we’ll be looking at alternative locations and events to keep the calendar interesting and varied.

If you have suggestions for sites, events, or other things you think the club should be doing please do contact us, we’re always keen to hear suggestions.

December Update – lots of news!

Thursday 7th December is the Club Social: DIFFERENT VENUE & Skittles night –

Yes we are having the club social at a different venue in December – the Peartree Inn at Boorley Green, Botley – plus it’s curry night and we’ve got the skittle alley to play with! Click here for details & directions.

Piccadilly Wood outing – Sunday 3rd December
We are doing a group outing to Piccadilly Wood, a very challenging site that’s a favourite of our Chief Marshal.

If you’d like to meet up & join in click here for more info.

Winter Solstice Night Laning – Friday 22nd December

Celebrate the longest night of the year by getting out in your truck!

Please click here for more info & how to get your name on the list.

FREE Play Day – Mannington – Monday 1st January

Our way of saying THANK YOU and MERRY CHRISTMAS to all our lovely members, we’re throwing a FREE play-day at Mannington.

Please note that this event is for paid-up Shire LRC members only – you can check & renew your membership or join up via MemberMojo here. We will NOT be doing memberships on the day!

Click here for more info & directions or click here to check or renew your membership on Membermojo.

MOD Sites
An early Christmas present for you – thanks to the hard work of our events officer James we are pleased to say we’re in the process of booking play days at military sites for 2024.

Stay tuned for dates & venues!

Driver Registration

Shire LRC are NORA affiliated, which brings benefits for all of us but does mean extra paperwork at event sign-in. To avoid this and make signing in smooth and fast, you can register yourself with NORA for only £2 which gets you a card you can show at sign-in to jump the queue!

We will also knock £2 off the entry fee every time you show the card – not bad!

Please go to and register yourself.

This card will be valid with other NORA affiliated clubs too – Shire LRC have reciprocal arrangements with other local clubs so your membership will get you into a lot of events!

Note that our members-only FREE play day doesn’t mean you get £2 for turning up with a NORA card, but you DO get signed in much faster!

Event updates!

Firstly, we are running a club convoy to Slindon Safari THIS weekend (12th November) so please click here for details of that.

Second we are having the club social at a different venue in December – the Peartree Inn at Boorley Green, Botley – plus it’s curry night and we’ve got the skittle alley to play with! Click here for details & directions.

Thirdly, we are planning another convoy, this time to Picadilly Wood, a site not for those with shiny vehicles. More details on the way!

We are also booking some sites for 2024 that we haven’t been to for a long time, so stay tuned for updates!

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