Please follow this guide to greenlaning. When you are out and about you are representing the club and the image of all 4×4 users of byways.

  • Only drive greenlanes that have known vehicular rights, and are not subject to voluntary restraints or temporary closures.
  • Don’t drive on restricted byways, bridleways or footpaths.
  • Avoid tracks that are badly rutted or sodden.
  • Don’t stray off the defined track.
  • Keep speeds low and stop for walkers or horses, turning engine off where necessary. Be polite and do not rise to confrontation.
  • Don’t travel alone unless it’s a route you know well.
  • Keep groups of vehicles to an absolute maximum of 6 (Preferably less especially in sensitive areas) and space the groups out by at least 10 minutes. Make sure you have a way of keeping in contact with your group.
  • Leave gates as you find them – they may be open on for a reason.
  • Don’t damage trees or hedgerows, except for cutting back branches to allow you to pass.
  • Make sure you have recovery equipment with you, phone chargers and paper maps are also recommended.
  • Do not litter, take it home with you.
  • Supervise dogs and children, especially near livestock.
  • Don’t drive waterways unless you are certain of the right of way. Check the current is not too strong and the water not too deep. If in doubt do not cross.