Before contacting us here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

I joined up but haven’t had my membership pack yet

Depending on how busy the membership secretary is, membership can take up to 28 days to process. Don’t worry though – if we have your details you WILL be recorded as a member and able to attend club events. If you have only just joined and want to attend an event, by all means do contact us to confirm you’re on the list.

Can I bring my vehicle to a Shire event?

If you haven’t already, please read through “Who can come to SLRC events?” to see if this answers your question. If you have any further questions please do contact us.

I’m not a member, can I come to an event/social?

By all means – people are always welcome to come along and spectate at most of our events, the only exception being Seven Sisters. If you do come along to an event, please introduce yourself so we can give you any safety info you might need. If you have any questions, please just ask.

Likewise, newcomers are always welcome at club socials to see what we’re all about.

I’m not getting e-mail updates from Shire LRC

If you were expecting to receive e-mail updates from us but aren’t, please:

  • Check your e-mail spam folder
  • Check that is added to your address book and/or e-mail whitelist
  • Contact us to add your e-mail address to our list (especially if you scribbled it on a paper membership form)

I don’t want e-mail updates from Shire LRC

There are links at the bottom of every update e-mail which allow you to unsubscribe instantly. If for some reason you still receive mails after following this, please contact us and we will delete your e-mail address from our list.